Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dreams, Risk, and the Movement of God.

I have long been amazed and inspired by people who were seized by a dream or by a hope bigger than them, driving them to take unimaginable risks.

My latest inspiration has been that of my friends' dream. It started with one friend seeing the needs of his community and being moved by a dream to do something. It led him to take a rough, difficult journey. Another friend of mine was also moved by this dream, by this hope, by this need to [re]create. She has joined in and become an intricate part of this dream. Many others have been essential to what they are doing, but these are the two that I have known most closely.

What blows me away is the amount of risk they have each taken. They have both been willing to lose it all to continue to carry this dream to fulfillment.

Isn't that the story of God? The parable of the Treasure in a Field has typically been used to describe the calling for those who follow Jesus. It's sometimes been used to try to make people give up their all to follow Jesus. I don't think this is the appropriate interpretation.

First, it was the beauty and the recognition of the value of this treasure that compelled this man to sell all he had (probably sacrificing his source of livelihood), risking his all, to gain something greater. It seems like foolishness. Or the Pearl of Great Price. The merchant knew what he was looking for. He sold everything to gain a pearl with great value. It doesn't seem to make sense. Wouldn't someone rather sell the pearl to gain the profits? But no, this merchant bought this pearl.

It's like how Jesus says that we must lose our lives to find them. To gain such treasure, we must risk it all. The treasure is not so much our reward for doing so, but our reason for doing so. Likewise, the parables describe God's actions towards us. He gave his all, risking everything in order to gain His treasure - the Kingdom come - among us.

What makes the dream so compelling is that once you know the risks another takes to bring dreams to fulfillment, the more you want to be a part of it, because you recognize that it is quite simply worth giving everything for. It is worth the risk, worth the loss, and upon its fulfillment is an indescribable gain.

I recognize that my friends have risked everything they have for this dream. I am compelled by it, and I feel moved by recognizing the worth that drives them to take such risks. As a result, I am compelled to take risks and to join in this dream. I invite you all to join me in this dream and to be so moved by its beauty and worth that some would risk everything in hopes of its fulfillment.

Please consider helping fund this dream. Go to Kickstarter ( and watch the video. If you are so moved by this blog and by the dream that God has imparted to people willing to listen and make such leaps, make a contribution.

In everything, may we be encouraged by our God who gave his all to gain us. Would we join with him, recognizing the worth and beauty of our Lord, his reign, and his ultimate dream. Would we reflect his love and take risks, losing everything to gain something even greater.

*For more info on the dream of my friends, go to Kickstarter and search "[re]create"

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